
10 Reasons to Continue Your Education

Graduation Day. Clipping path included.

The decision to continue your education can be a difficult one, especially if you are unsure as to whether it will truly serve you in your career and finances. In case you’re on the fence about continuing your education beyond high school or college, here are ten reasons that it may be well worth the money, time, and effort.

Become more marketable.

Of course, one of the main reasons that people choose to go back to school is to become more marketable in their careers. More education can give you the knowledge you need to take on a higher position at your workplace and make you a more attractive candidate the next time you are looking for a better job. Plus, if you’re looking to move career fields, getting a degree can make changing career fields much easier and give you the most variety of job options. A degree could be the one thing standing between you and your dream job. And if you have any previous work experience or prior knowledge on a subject matter that you’d like to be credited when applying for your dream position, one way to earn it is by taking CLEP exams to assess your mastery of it.

Demonstrate your work ethic.

In addition to gaining additional skills and knowledge with your bachelor’s or master’s degree, you’ll be demonstrating to potential employers a strong work ethic. And that’s a benefit to higher education that you can enjoy regardless of the field of study you choose to pursue.

Gain skills for yourself.

It isn’t all about impressing potential employers after earning your degree; you’ll be able to carry with you the skills and knowledge you gain throughout your life. A degree in finance, for example, would serve you well in balancing you or your family’s budget. A degree in education, meanwhile, could also come in handy when raising children. Moreover, you’ll gain discipline and work ethic that will serve you in everything else that you do in life.

Close up of business handshake in the office

Increasing your earning potential.

Did you know that in some occupations, whether or not you have a degree can determine whether or not you get paid a higher salary? Public school teachers with master’s degrees, for example, often get paid more for the extra post-secondary education they have received. Not only that, but according to the United States Census Bureau, people with master’s degrees on average make $200 more per week than those who have only a bachelor’s degree. So even if their isn’t a fixed pay raise for bachelor’s or master’s degrees or CLEP exams in your career field, chances are a higher degree can lead to more pay for you.

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Become an expert.

Want to become an expert in the field that you are passionate about? Pursuing post-secondary education—especially a master’s degree—will help you get there. Pursuing your master’s affords you the opportunity to do research and publish new findings in your field, meaning that you can make a valuable contribution to you field that other students and academics can look to for years to come. If HR is your field, acquire more skills with the help of Master of Human Resource Management degree.

Discover a new career path.

Pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree will expose you to a variety of disciplines and career paths that you had no idea even existed. So if you choose to pursue more education, you never know—you just might uncover your dream job!

Expand your network.

As you complete your bachelor’s or master’s degree, your professors, advisers, and fellow students will become new and important additions to your network. This expanded network can ultimately lead you to more exciting opportunities in your career. And it doesn’t just have to be about career either; you can meet lifelong friends when you pursue something you are deeply passionate about.

It’s tax deductible.

Many individuals don’t realize when filing their taxes that educational expenses are tax deductible. According to this article, Lifetime Learning Credit allows for up to $2,000 non-refundable tax credit if you make less than $65,000 per year.

Woman reading a few books on the floor

Gain personal fulfillment.

Pursuing more education can lead to an increased sense of personal fulfillment. Many go through life talking about going back to school; actually doing so can give you peace in knowing that you are actively pursuing your highest potential. It can increase your confidence level, strengthen your self-image, and allow you to experience the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing a degree.

It can be fun.

Outside of everything else, continuing your education simply allows you to explore something of interest of you. So even if you don’t end up putting that extra education toward a career, you’ll still have the enjoyment of studying something you’re passionate about.

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