5 Vital Points To Understand Before Becoming A PT Instructor

5 Vital Points To Understand Before Becoming A PT Instructor

So, you have caught the fitness bug and feel you have what it takes to help others achieve their exercise goals? If so, congratulations! Becoming a fitness instructor is a very rewarding career. But, as with everything in life, there are a few things you need to know about the industry before you get started. We’re going to reveal; all in this brief guide – so read on to find out everything you need to know.

You have to be a people person

Are you good with people and do you have a sunny disposition? To succeed as a fitness instructor and personal trainer, it is critical to be a people person. You are your biggest strength when it comes to selling your product. Great marketing will help you get first time customers. But if they don’t take a shine to you, they won’t show up for week two.

You need to understand psychology

Do you know what makes people tick? If not, being a personal trainer might not be the career for you. Some people thrive on praise, while others are motivated by someone challenging them constantly. Some might need an arm around their shoulder; others might need you to shout in their faces. Get the wrong approach with the wrong client, and you will lose them. So, learn what motivates people so you can recognise the many different personality types that exist. And always ensure you are providing your clients with the best tactics for their character.

You live and die by your qualifications

Sure, you might be in great physical shape. But just because you can take care of yourself does not mean you can take care of others. Make sure the personal training courses you take are the industry standard, for a start. Put your qualifications front and centre of your marketing materials. People need to know they are in safe hands, and working with trainers who know what they are talking about.

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The classes are the easy bit

As a personal trainer, you will love putting on the classes. The energy, the challenges, the exhaustion – it all adds up to an exhilarating experience. But, make no mistake about it, the classes are the easy part. There are accounts to fill in, and invoices to chase up. There are contracts to sign with local gyms, and fitness charts to send out to clients. You will also need to invest in a lot of marketing to help your business stand out – which we are going to take a look at now.

You need a niche

While a career as a personal trainer can be rewarding, you aren’t the only one out there. In fact, PT instructors are ten a penny, wherever you live. It can be difficult to stand out in the face of so much competition so you might want to consider developing your own niche. Think about who you are most comfortable working with – perhaps it is senior citizens, or postnatal mums, for example. While setting up in a niche will reduce your market potential, you will find the most focused approach attracts more clients.

Good luck with the new career!

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