Pros and Cons Of Becoming An Elementary School Teacher

Pro: What you do for a living really matters.

You will get to feel that what you did today made a difference in someone’s life. Teaching children the skills they need to become successful adults is a rewarding experience. You will see the difference that you make on a daily basis.

Con: Your job will be different from what your high school colleagues do.

You will have to deal with different issues and challenges than what high school teachers encounter due to the young age of your students. Your job will include teaching them basic social skills and explaining simple things as patiently as possible.

Pro: Students are more enthusiastic.

Most elementary students love school and really look forward to going to school every day. They are very curious about things and will be eager to learn. It is up to you to keep your students motivated and to help them channel their enthusiasm and energy.

Con: There is a lot to do.

In most elementary schools, teachers spend the entire day with their students and you might not have any time to prepare. You will find that you are busy throughout the entire day and that you will have to do most of the prep work at home during the evenings and weekends.

Pro: You will get vacation time.

As a teacher, you will always have breaks during the summer and throughout the year with different holidays. You will not find any other job that can guarantee the same breaks. You can seek another job for the summer or choose to spend this time with your own children.

Con: Parents aren’t always supportive.

Most parents think that they always know what is best. Dealing with parents is not always easy and you will probably run into some parents who refuse to cooperate. Some parents will even blame you for the poor performance or behavior of their child.

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Pro: Managing a classroom is not difficult.

A majority of elementary school students are eager to learn and have respect for their teachers. Students will listen to you and do what you ask them to do most of the time. You will find that sending students to the principal’s office or calling their parents are efficient tools to gain respect. Here are some good classroom management tips.

Con: You need to teach all the subjects.

High school teachers need to specialize in one subject. As an elementary school teacher, you will have to cover all the subjects. You might have some catching up to do if there are a few subjects you are not comfortable with. See examples at Examlabs.

Pro: Your students can teach you a lot.

Younger children have a very interesting and positive vision of the world. Becoming an elementary school teacher will change your outlook on life and is also a great way to prepare for becoming a parent. You will have a lot of moments that you will treasure forever with your students.

Con: Your students need guidance.

You need to supervise and guide your students through everything. Younger students are not independent and you will have to constantly pay attention to what they are doing.

If becoming a teacher is something you still need to consider, then why not become a teaching assistant for a period to see how you go. This piece from Capita Education looks at the ins and outs.

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