What Are the Necessary Qualifications to Become an Environmental Engineer?

What Are the Necessary Qualifications to Become an Environmental Engineer?

An environmental engineer’s job is crucial, especially in this day and age. With more and more unnatural disasters – disasters caused or brought on by human negligence – like oil spills, chemical leaks, and power plant melt downs, an environmental engineer is usually brought in to rectify the situation and provide solutions so that it…

How to Become a Licensed Home Inspector in Your State

As a housing inspector it will be your job to determine if people’s living environments are tenable or not. You will check for things like mold, allergens, pests and even structural issues, like shaky or eroding foundations. Not only will you make sure that living arrangements are acceptable, but you will also follow strict ordinances…


What Training Is Necessary for Becoming a Court Reporter?

A courtroom reporter has a fundamental role when it comes to the judicial process. Whether it’s a civil or criminal proceeding, a court reporter is responsible for recording every single minute detail of the trial. You could become a stenographer and take down a written account of the proceedings or you can become an audio…

Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Professional Cartoonist?

To become a professional cartoonist you need to have a combination of innate talent and experience. For centuries, newspapers and magazines have turned to cartoonists to make sense of everything from politics, science, technology, social issues and more. It seems that with only a few crosshatches and light watercolor brushstrokes, kings and queens have been…

How Long Do You Have to Train to Become an HVAC Technician?

How Long Do You Have to Train to Become an HVAC Technician?

Contrary to popular belief, testing air quality in your home is much harder than you think. So is cleaning your air conditioning ducts, installing an indoor-outdoor A/C unit and making sure that your heating system is working in optimal condition. Almost every home is equipped with some sort of a heating and air conditioning system….

ideal job

Top 5 Career Planning Tips for Web Developers

Career opportunities in web design and development are more plentiful today than ever before. Although personal web design tools have become more widely available in recent years, the increasing complexity of web development has created lots of new opportunities for qualified workers. Keep these helpful tips in mind, and plot the course for a promising…

The Pros and Cons of a Career in Property Management

The Pros and Cons of a Career in Property Management

Property managers work as the liaison between landlords and tenants in properties all over the world. Because so many landlords have multiple properties in their ownership, and because those properties may be in several different cities, they need qualified managers to do the hands-on work that they can’t always handle themselves. Working in this field…