5 TIps for Starting Your Own Housekeeping Business
If you asked a business consultant what you should first consider before starting your own business, probably one of the things that they would say is make sure that your company provides a constant need to its consumers.
Well, as long as there are houses, they will need to be cleaned. So, if you enjoy housekeeping, why not start your own housekeeping business? Although initially that might sound like an overwhelming task to take on, we wanted to provide you with a few tips that can help you to begin a solid business plan.
Just check out these steps below:
Think about the vision of your company. It’s completely understandable why you might think that all you basically need to do to run a housekeeping business is purchase some cleaning supplies and solicit customers, there is actually something that you should do before that. There’s a pretty good chance that there’s already several housekeeping companies in your area and so you want to make sure that your vision stands out from the rest. For instance, do you want to be a company that works exclusively with high-end residential homes? Or maybe you want to assist low income families? Do you want to have a reputation for only using eco-friendly products? Or perhaps you want to have a company that works weekend hours only? Knowing how you want to present your company is the best way to move on to the second step.
Choose a name and logo. When you think of the golden arches or a big red bull’s eye, what are the two companies that immediately come to mind? McDonald’s and Target, right? That’s because the marketing team of both businesses put forth a concerted amount of time and effort into thinking about the name and logo that they wanted to create for those companies. Branding is important and so you should definitely do is come up with a catchy name and a memorable logo.
Create a website and get into social media. Once you have a name and logo in place, the next thing that you need to do is create a website. Make sure that it’s attractive to the eye and that the content is informative. You may want to add some interactive content such as a video blog as well. Make sure that your contact information and business hours are easy to find. One website that might give you an idea of how to design your own would be http://www.epcleaners.co.uk/ . Also, don’t forget to network through social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter as well. It’s a great way to promote your business and attract prospective customers.
Hire part-time staff. According to many reports, half of all business close their doors within five years of opening them and oftentimes it’s because they spent much more money than they actually brought in. Although it would be great if your company eventually became a franchise, in the beginning, it’s best to be as conservative with your start-up funding as possible. So, hire some good part-time staff at first. As your business grows and you know that you can consistently pay more people a higher amount, then get more employees.
Get someone to do your books. If all goes well, you’re going to be far too busy cleaning homes and/or managing schedules to be thoroughly keeping up with your profits and expenses. So, make sure to hire someone you to do your books for you. Trust us, it is one expense that will be well worth the investment come paydays and especially during tax time. We wish you the best of luck.