Top 7 Jobs in Malta

Top 7 Jobs in Malta

Experts who plan on moving to Malta often look forward to the island’s warm sunny conditions and relaxed lifestyle. But there’s more to your move to Malta than remembering where your beach towel is! According to trading economics, if you land a job in 2018 that falls above this scope of wages, then you have landed…

Let The Job Hunt Begin

Let The Job Hunt Begin

Job hunting. Easily one of the most stressful times in anyone’s life. If you’ve just left college and it’s your first time job hunting, there’s a few things you need to know if you want to be successful. If you’ve already been in a job for a while and are looking to switch jobs, there’s…

We’re Hiring, But Not You!

We’re Hiring, But Not You!

With unemployment levels high, it’s easy to see why competition for jobs is fierce. Anyone who is not absolutely on-point with their self-presentation is destined to stay on the unemployment scrapheap. Recruitment agencies and hiring managers want the best of the best and won’t settle for anything less. Unfortunately, their desire for greatness leaves multiple…