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Job Hunting – 5 Tips For Making A Good First Impression

sharp dressedMaking a good first impression for a job is going to be the determining factor of whether or not you land the position. Not everyone is capable of making a good impression the first time around, but these five tips will help you make your interview a total success so you are sure to get your ideal job.

Look The Part

The general rule is that you can never be too dressed up for an interview, and being under dressed is generally worse than being over dressed. Wear your best jewelry and accessories, but keep it simple. Watch repair should be done prior to your interview so that your watch is in functioning condition. A quality watch always looks good at an interview and implies punctuality.

Be Intentional

Intention is always important when you are job hunting. You want to make sure that your energy is focused on the intent you have. Your intent should be to get the job and do a great job in the process. Think about the job position, what message you want to convey and how you want to present your personality.

Body Language Is Everything

Body language plays such a crucial role in how others perceive us. It’s important to position yourself in a relaxed and friendly manner. Don’t cross your arms, fidget or look away often. Keep a gentle contact with the interviewer’s eyes. Relax your arms or speak with your hands. Sit up straight or stand straight. Don’t be overly rigid though. You want to appear comfortable and open.

Be Cheerful

An optimistic attitude is everything for making a good first impression. If you woke up in a bad mood, do everything you can to change that before going in for the interview process. Recruiters and employers look for happy and engaging people, and you need to capture their attention.

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Be Engaging

Being interested in what the other person is saying will win you major points. You should also make yourself more interesting too, but don’t over-inflate yourself or lie. Make sure the person knows what you are all about and that you can bring a lot to the table. Tell a few little anecdotes if they are appropriate and relevant.

Making a good first impression will determine whether or not you get the job. This will set the stage for all of your future employment. Follow the above tips for best results, but add your own flair to them to fully express yourself.

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