How Democratized Coaching Can Expand Diverse Talent Pipelines

When it comes to hiring and recruiting within a company, there can be an unconscious bias towards who we hire. As a result, it means that we can unintentionally prefer one group to another, perhaps because they look more like us, and this can be something that happens without those hiring even realizing it. This means that you may not be creating a very diverse workforce, as well as not getting the real talent for the business if unconscious bias gets in the way. 

There are a number of factors that can come into play. Gender, race, disability, and sexual orientation can all impact our unconscious bias. Could this be why three out of four people in executive leadership positions are male? Democratized coaching for the whole team can make a big difference to the whole business, and how inclusive and diverse the workforce is. To have a successful business, you need the best people working for you. This can only happen when candidates are seen for their skills and talent, rather than what they look like or where they are from. So you need to get any unconscious bias out of the picture. 

If you want to do more to make sure that you are a much more inclusive workforce, then Ezra coaching could be something that could help your business to recruit differently and be more diverse in their approach. Coaching can help to boost the communication skills of your team, as well as help productivity and job satisfaction. Find out more about it here:

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Infographic by Ezra Ezra Coaching

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